If you could remaster three cd's...

There is a lot of great music out there, but some just sound like crap because of the recording quality, pressing, compression, etc. If you could have three of your favorite cd's remastered for better sound quality which ones would you pick? The new U2 is an excellent example of great music with terrible sound quality, ditto for Santana's Supernatural.
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I think we're getting mixed-up here. Firstly you can't expect either the U2 albums or Santanna albums to be remastered-one of them is just out. I think you mean re-mixed. This always puzzles me about recent recordings there seems to be a trend amongst people on this site that they are not very good.These two could be a good example since I haven't heard either-however the majority of new releases are well recorded imo. The 1st CSN&Y album has been remasterd as well. On another post somebody said the new Beatles remastered compilation was really bright. I now think 6 things 1.After listening to music(seriously) for 23 years,I no longer know what constitutes a good production. 2.Many Audiogon members should be record producers. 3. A lot of Audiogon members don't bother with any new music at all. 4.This thread is nonsense since the intial premise/question is wrong. 5.Why bother with the facts if you've got an opinion. 6.I won't get good votes on this
Try the Santana Supernatural LP from Classic Records. Still far from perfect, but LOTS better than the stock CD. On the wish list - a nice heavy vinly version of Graceland, Sinatra At The Sands remastered on heavy vinyl (the remastered CD is awesome), more early Ella Fitzgerald (e.g., the old Christmas LP)
Rickie Lee Jones- A girl and her Volcano. you can hear the record levels vary so much within a song, you wonder how many beers were consumed by the engineer. The performances on the LP are awesome. All of the moody blues( i group them as one) Andres Segovia- My favorite Spanish Encores. I would like to hear alot of his early RCA recordings cleaned up, But MFSE has some beautiful performances on it and is still very worthy of listening.
I second the "..Girl At Her Volcano" Retroguy. There are several albums I love but can only listen to on the car stereo where the recording nasties are irrelevant - one is "Miss America" by Mary Margaret O'Hara (I may have some part of that name wrong).