absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
Oracle Delphi IV turntable, with SME/Oracle 345 arm. Close second is my BAT VK30 preamp
my Spectral SDR3000 transport......so much detail from conventional cds with tremendous musicality......wow!
Long ago I owned a Brazilian Rosewood Sota Star Saphire Turntable with a Sumiko Studio Arm and a Madrigal Carnagie One Cartridge. That was the absolute best component that I ever owned. It was the most musical. I have nice equipment now, but when I owned the Sota I had the time to enjoy it. Maybe that is why it stands out in my mind
My Dynavector 507 tonearm.....a tour de force in audio design. My Audible Illusions Modulus 3.....have not found anything that can replace it.