Since you have already had many responses, I am not going to offer any specific recommendations except for power cords. In my opinion and the opinion of Audio Research, the best power cords are from Aural Symphonics (Univocal). I was not ready for the improvement, especially on digital sources and preamp. Amazingly, they make a major difference on ML's as well. A general piece of advise. All audio systems are just that, systems made up of components that all have some type of skew. Use the cable to tune to your tastes, but insure that the capacitance is right for your needs or you will be inserting the equivalent of a high pass filter between components and roll off the highs. The other issue is phase coherency. Most of the recent better cables are fairly phase coherent (improved resolution). Regarding Monster. I am not a big fan, although their M2.4 biwire speaker wire is a steal for a cable that is probably almost as good as the absurdly priced Transparent cables which are merely good wire with a Zobel network on the end to stablize impedence.