Speaker Cable upgrade

I would like to upgrade my speaker cable, I current used AQ clear3, how about AQ Dragon(used), or can anybody give me some others comments Iwould appreciate
Interesting opinions Carl - I guess you must have needed the wash. Your assumption that I get my opinions from dealers is unwarranted - I cannot think of a less likely source of useful information, but just because even dealers say it does not make it hogwash. I do not think I would be the first person to suggest that mixing and matching manufacturers just increases the number of variables, and reduces the chance of a synergistic result. But despite being the sort that loves to challenge conventional wisdom, I still came to the conclusion that fewer variables were better. Did I get there listening to dealers? No. Just 20 odd years of experience - starting out by mixing everything up - finding that a significant downside of this was that every upgrade resulted in having to shuffle the variables (expensively) all over again - and slowly but surely finding a state of grace was to be had by keeping it simple. You are right that I should not have said "vital". I just find it better to see the cables as a single item and use one manufacturer; I find it better to not mix manufacturer when mating a transport to a dac etc. This is because I have found that to get a synergistic result does not require the use of say 13 variables (count them - transport, dac, pre, power, speaker, digital link, 2 interconnect links, speaker cable, and 4 power cords). Instead, 5 or 6 variables will do just fine. If there is any hogwash here it is the use of pseudo-science to dismiss a product (as you did with Wireworld cables) by pointing out a design issue you happen to disagree with (in this case the coating of strands) and concluding the cable must therefore smear detail and be inferior to anything that does not coat strands. If you hear the Wireworld cables smearing details then say so. What more proof do you need? Similarly with your comparison with Cardas - they must be better because the strand thickness is varied? Truly hogwash Carl. Personally I found when placing Cardas Golden Cross throughout my system, in place of Wireworld Gold Eclipse, I did not like the result. It warmed things up a lot, but the effect was unnecessary and detracted from the music by introducing a pervasive coloration. There were other differences, but the simple fact was that with the Wireworld in place I enjoyed the music better. I do not have to justify or explain this with pseudo-science. Of course valuable knowledge can be gained from understanding cause and effect - but I cannot believe your explanations of the Wireworld or Cardas cables are sufficient to either dismiss the Wireworld cables (as you do) or prove the Cardas cables are better (as you claim).
You know , I have never understood the notion of spending $100's of dollars on interconnects and speaker cable. I have 10 gauge Monster Cable going to my speakers and Lightning Audio interconnects. All I wanted to achieve is to have the cables that make me happy with the sound quality, and have accurate signal coming from my components. I am no cable expert and I don't want to be. I love music, not wire. All of you people posting must have perfect systems that put out prefect signal,because if they didn't you wouldn't be so concerned about wire. I haven't seen a perfect system around here yet, have you ? In conclusion,all systems are basically built around one common theme, the owners own musical taste. Even the Audio giants build components and speakers that deliver a distinctive sound, a sound which they think closely imitates the true musical experience. Sorry no system is perfect, even if they have the "perfect cables".
Redkiwi, this is just to say that I enjoyed reading what you had to say, both the substance and the cool with which you handled Carl's chaotic attack. Cjcarver, a lot of people who 'waste' their money on interconnects and speaker wire are into music, like yourself. I'm one of them. It's just that you DO enjoy music more when you 'improve', or rather adjust the sound to your liking. You really do. Play with some cables, try MIT Terminator 2 to begin with which you can get used for 50 bucks per pair of interconnects, and you'll see how much better your rig will sound. Or at the very least it'll sound very different which means that by playing with cables you can get your rig to sound better to your liking than it does now. And it won't take away from the music...
Redkiwi, this is just to say that I enjoyed reading what you had to say, both the substance and the cool with which you handled Carl's chaotic attack. Cjcarver, a lot of people who 'waste' their money on interconnects and speaker wire are into music, like yourself. I'm one of them. It's just that you DO enjoy music more when you 'improve', or rather adjust the sound to your liking. You really do. Play with some cables, try MIT Terminator 2 to begin with which you can get used for 50 bucks per pair of interconnects, and you'll see how much better your rig will sound. Or at the very least it'll sound very different which means that by playing with cables you can get your rig to sound better to your liking than it does now. And it won't take away from the music...
Redkiwi, this is just to say that I enjoyed reading what you had to say, both the substance and the cool with which you handled Carl's chaotic attack. Cjcarver, a lot of people who 'waste' their money on interconnects and speaker wire are into music, like yourself. I'm one of them. It's just that you DO enjoy music more when you 'improve', or rather adjust the sound to your liking. You really do. Play with some cables, try MIT Terminator 2 to begin with which you can get used for 50 bucks per pair of interconnects, and you'll see how much better your rig will sound. Or at the very least it'll sound very different which means that by playing with cables you can get your rig to sound better to your liking than it does now. And it won't take away from the music...