Most annoying Stereo magazine claim

The new thread "What's the most trustworthy stereo magazine" got me to thinking. One of the things that inhibits their credibility, and makes them pretty annoying, is when the reviewers become effusive about a product (as if it were the second coming of Christ), going on and on about a product and using canned flattery like, "it removed another veil from the sound stage." This claim and "it made me want to just listen to the music and play all my CD's again," are the most annoying to me. What about you?
"I liked it so much that I bought it." (And I bet at retail price, too.)

Did you know the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary?
I like
"competitive with other (amps, speakers, cables, hairdryers) that cost thousands more"
How about the truly nauseating "yin" v. "yang" comparisons that some reviewers pass off as valuable ?
I always laugh when I browse a copy of What Hi-Fi Magazine. No component gets worse than 3 stars no matter how bad it is. Most of them get 5 stars, and then there is 5 gold stars which is higher then just 5 stars. Higher than 5 gold stars is 5 stars with an "Editor's Choice". Then when you notice that the magazine is 90% advertising you see why the rating system is the way it is.