has anyone tried the quantum symphony co

I would like to know if anyone has tried them alone or with a richard gray line conditioner they say these things work
You are correct about the pro being the $600.00 unit. I would say you are also correct concerning the 3 d imaging it enforces. It is hard to describe, but you don't know the grunge is there until you have used the Symphony and then removed it. The voices (Diana Krall and Jacintha for instance) take in a more corporeal existence. The voices become more round, but not bulbous. It really is worth audiotioning. It did much more for my system than the $2,300.00 Marigo power filter I tried.
mikeam did you ever get the second quantum pro and if so what difference did it make
I am sorry about the delay in repsonding to you. Sometimes I get caught up with work (software developer) and I don't check the forum out that often. I have not as of yet purchased the second unit but will probably do so in the next month. regards, Mike