Best Interconnects and/or Speaker Cable

What are the best interconnects or speaker cable you have ever heard and why? Price is no object.
If you're a "cable guru", why aren't you designing your own cables, instead of just going out and buying somebody else's statement cables. "Money guru" would be more apt...And I don't mean to offend, I'd love to hear the 88 myself; used to own one of its cheaper offspring, but I've since heard better in my system.
What about NBS cables? I have tried the Signature II. While not perfect (heavy mid-bass, a bright high end), this cable has an excellent midrange, great soundstage and a very high level of detail in the mids and highs. Although a little on the agressive side, this cable is the best I have heard for what it does right. Any thoughts about any of the other NBS cables, like the Professional, the Statement or any of the Monitor series?
this is more of a question than a response After browseing around audiogon What I want to know is what on earth makes a used pair of 12 foot speaker cables worth $3000.00? were they flown into outer space for oxygen free soldering? really people is stereo going the way of the Harley Davidson over priced and often imitated? I was thinking of buying some new equipment but after seeing that high end audio is worth more than My 248 acre farm I think ILL stick to My 25 year old stuff that by the way works as good now as the day I bought it and I paid a lot less for it than I did for My Corvette