All cables are Neuteral?

Are there any interconnect cables that aren't neuteral? I don't listen to audiophile cd's. I listen to all real world recordings/ I am looking for cables that will some what mask the horrid sounding recordings i like. do such cables exsist, i get a kick out of cable reviews in magazines, every review goes goo goo ga ga over how neuteral the cables they are reviewing sound. Maybe what i'm Looking for deosen't even exsist, if i'm wrong, please let me know, i am looking for cables between amp and pre amp, and pre amp and cd player, rca cables only, not coax or toslink. please help/ are there any cables known for adding a nice golden texture to the sound of a system? gear mcintosh mc 42 pre amp mcintosh mc 353 power amp Cal audio cl10 5 disc changer
Madisonears - you can really perform an ironic twist when you want to can't you? And you can really suggest with a straight face that the best solution to Korn's dilemma is to purchase some Monster cables which from your admission provide "flabby bass while rounding off the highs"? I can more easily go along with you on room treatment, but we need to know more about Korn's room first - such as if it will be susceptible to flutter echo.
Yes, by all means, ignore my "gobbledygook", since I obviously don't know what I'm talking about. I guess I'm just retarded....
Please note: the original topic was the neutrality of cables and the possibility of smoothing an edgy high end. Carl, I know that you are experienced and have a lot of knowledge to share, but your answer pretty much missed the point. I didn't mean to offend you. Redkiwi, you also have some valuable opinions and seem somewhat more objective than most here. But let's not burden the poor person with a lot of technical crap when all they want is to dampen some kind of high frequency ringing. A pair of stodgy Monsters will do just that, and for not much money or trouble, and without seriously compromising the performance of the system. Band-aid approach? You bet! Solve the problem quick and cheap? Probably. If that doesn't work, buy a nice Indian bedspread or a Native American rug and hang it on the wall opposite your speakers, behind your listening position.
With all due respect to you "ears", it's not for you to say whether I missed the point, or not. I was merely discussing the idea of "cable neutrality", the title of the thread. I can't help it if perhaps the wrong question was asked in the first place. That said, quick solutions are generally the wrong ones, and just throwing a rug somewhere is hardly the correct approach to acoustically treating a listening room. Only very high frequency reflections will be absorbed by a rug, and it's just an incomplete and false "solution" to damping the first reflection points in a room, anyhow.
Madisonears, pardon my testy reply, my only excuse is I just lost a bomb (pardon the pun) in Fiji, and it hurts. Anyway if the budget only allows for some cables then I see your point. But I can just see Korn remaining dissatisfied with the result and in a few months having to get at the cause of the problem and finding he wants to ditch the Monster Cables (not my favourite cable I must say) as well.
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