Anybody tried the new AQ speaker cables? Volcano and Caldera. I´d be using the Volcano for the mid/ high and the Caldera for the bass on the Maggie 3.6´s. The amp is a McCormack DNA-1 dlx. Best, Hasse
I asked same question couple weeks ago and got no responses. It is interesting that none of new cable designs use silver, this is a change from previous strategies. I am currently using Argent/Forest bi-wire and would be interested how new cables stack-up.......of course AQ says they are much improved, we shall see, I am in no hurry to upgrade.....
Actually they are using silver in 3 of the new speaker cables (KE-4, Killmanjaro and Everest) and in the Amazon (inteconnect) I´ve heard that the new cables are much better than the "old" stuff. I´m currently using a double run of Argent. Happy listening! Hasse
Hasse, your right there is some silver left in AQ. The prices for AQ new high end cables is outrageous! From Cable Co. Everest 10ft $8500, Killmanjaro not listed but must be @ $5000, all copper Volcano is $2400.....The "old" top of the line all silver Dragon was a bargain at $4600! Used Argent/Clear/Sterling/Dragons make good purchases for high end systems.
Hasse, if you go to Volcano/Caldera you will be giving up the silver from Argents, I wonder if new set-up will be as detailed? May get more bass from new larger cable designs, but only way to know is to listen first hand. BTW prepare to dig deeper in your wallet 10ft of new set-up is 2400/1200 vrs 1300/1300 for Argents.....I just use 10ft because Cable Co prices, in my system I use 6ft runs....8ft max.