Need a Basic Education on the LP12

I have a Linn LP12, but have not used it much lately (or ever, really) since my preamp does not have a phono stage (Audio Research LS7). I recently purchased a Creek OBH-8 phono preamp and would like to start using the Linn more. However, I need an education, I believe. What different power supplies, bearings, and suspensions are there? Is there any differences between any of the tables themselves other than the wood? I have the Basik Tonearm and Cartridge. If I am going to upgrade the unit at all, which upgrades would make the most improvement? (i.e. tonearm)

Whknopp -

If nothing else, one thing I've learned from Audiogon is never to say, "I'm done, probably forever."

I did take a look at the geocities link... My serial number is 57295 and it has the Valhalla power supply. I'm still confused on the bearings but I am assuming I do not have the Cirkus upgrade. The arm is the Basik LV X and the cartridge is yellow so I assume it is some variant of the Basik as well.

Is the Akito arm any better than the Basik? I was assuming that one would have to upgrade to the Ittok to find a real difference.. In terms of cartidges, I am lost, however. I was thinking of the Blue Point special becuase it can be used with a MM phono stage, but really can't say I know anything about turntables, period...

Rockinroni, I would probably agree with you about purchasing a modern table, except that I have the Linn already. By the silver arm, do you mean the Ittok? Why do you recommend the Shelter cartridge?

Also, am I correct in assuming that a cartridge is something you do not buy used (because they wear out?)

How much of a difference does the phono stage make in comparison with the table itself and the rest of the system?
Timwat -- ouch. Truth hurts.

That cartridge sounds like a K9, which used to come on the Basik as a package. I would go next to an Akito/Klyde in your position, t. The Creek can hold it's own until you can take a big step to something like the Linto.
The Van Halen version of the Lp12 at this point in life can be expected to have power supply failure. These failures can, in my experience be cured by replacing the power supply caps on the board..Tom
Get a used Ittok and a cartridge within your budget. Of course, a better cartridge, like the Shelter is a great move if you can afford it. I currently use a Blue Point Special and realize it's marginal but nevertheless, it's very enjoyable.