I have a rega planar 25/RB600 arm. Grado platinum cart.I have a Record Doctor 2 I use Groove Glide and antistatic sleeves.I use a Decca brush Stylast Stylus cleaner and stylast treatment.Any ideas to further reduce the well known ticks, pops and surface noise in general.Im thinking zero stat gun,record clamp.Any help,thanks. OK DIGITHEADS HAVE YOUR FUN!!!
albert.....i never considered washing after last but it sounds logical. most of these things are so damn expensive, that ists nearly not worth using more than dawn+water. the parastat and vpi brushes are a real necessity imho. too bad preeners arent avail any more, not as the only brush but you can tell if there is really any fine dust that needs to be washed off. an aq or equiv is also handy properly used. forget about the fibers getting in the grooves as one responder mentioned. i think youd have ot work fairly hard to accomplish that; sounded like speculation to me. nothing like experience, eh? wish i ahdntg given away the last now, but it probably would have dried up by now. their little stylus brush isnt bad although i prefer the real estate on the discwasher stylus brush. my friend and i have found that very dilute dawn in distilled water is about the best and safest on styluses, alcohol could damage the suspensions. keeping the dawn water fresh is a key too.
I thought the key was distilled water. Still wainting to hear about the RRL solution. About the AQ carbon fibre brush: I've decided not to use mine very often anymore, since I tried it on a blank side (reverse of 12" 45 rpm reissue), and could see fine circumferal scratches when held to the light, that were NOT there right before I used the brush. I used only very light pressure. I saw no loose bristles, of course. I'll try to get one of the horsehair ones. I think applying Gruv Glide every third or fourth play is better than applying Last record preservative, and then washing again to get the residue off. I don't think a multitude of machine washings for compulsive's sake is the way to go, either. Just my grumble opinion.
About a month ago I ran into an old Audiophile friend who I hadn't seen in about 25 years. He recognized me and asked if I still made my record cleaning solutions. ( I used to be a Chemist working with delicate devices that used vinyl compartments to analyze chemicals. I had access to the best vinyl detergents known) I still had 2 quarts that I had made 15 years ago. I use them on record collections that I buy. He offered to set me up with a lab in his house. In order to make this worth while, I'm going to have to get some distribution. I am working on that now. If anyone wants to help me get some distribution, contact me. Here is the proposed retail price schedule that I have set up Every Day Cleaner ( Remove dust and loose dirt ) $13.95 per qt, $9.95 per pt, $6.95 per 1/2 pt Deep Cleaner ( Really clean filthy records ) $24.95 per qt, $17.95 per pt, $12.95 per 1/2 pt Preservative ( Puts an ultra thin layer of protectant on your records helps fill in tiny imperfections ) $29.95 per 8 oz, $19.95 per 4 oz, $13.95 per 2 oz