Audiopoints or Walker tuning kit under a turntable

Interested in opinions.Did anyone compare? Also,3(without threads)or 4(with or without threads)Audiopoints? How well do both Audiopoints and Walker cones work anyway? Let's assume a medium mass suspensionless table(Spacedeck,for exmple).
Thank you all.Twl,problem is that I don't have a dedicated turntable stand.I figure that putting a turntable on that Sistrum thing or just on 3 Audiopoints and keep it on the floor will be better than using a cheap rack with other pieces of equipment on it.Generally, I always thought that the best solution is when each piece is placed separately.I believe that rack,any one,is not exactly an audiophile item.What do you people think?
How about an IKEA Lack table and some KAB Sonic Domes? My recent experiences tell me to steer away from cones (in most applications). Brass is not a very good material for cones, BTW. It loses its sharp tip rather easily.
I have my cdp and my amp sitting upon 2 Sistrum SP 1 platforms. Both platforms are on an IKEA two shelf mini table/rack. Screwed into each leg of the table are 2" audipoints with the brass threaded insert. This system, short of the Sistrum's rack system, couples everything to mother earth. Ideally, you don't want wood in this equation, but space was a major factor. If I had the space, I would go with their (Sistrum) rack system. A $50 IKEA rack and $750 worth of Sistrum-- and I'm pretty, damn well, coupled to earth. Coupling is attainable. Isolation is not. peace, warren