Differences btw Blue Heaven & Red Dawn?

Anyone compared these two cables? Please comment on the differences. I have seen Blue Heaven recommended but no one seems to recommend Red Dawn. Thank You.
I think the Harry Pearson followers don't like Red Dawn, for some reason. I've not heard either one, myself. I have researched it a little, though, and can tell you that the Red Dawn speaker cables are 14 gauge, and the Blue Heaven are 16. Both are VERY little conductor for the money, and would surely limit dynamics, based on similar cables I've heard. However, if you have a tube amp, you can only go so big with speaker cable conductor size. 16 is just too small for anything, IMHO. The Magnan cables are high resistance also, and their conductor is much more "weird".
I have both and use them in two system, tube and ss and there seems to be very little difference between the two. Go for the Blue Heaven rev2. contrary to previous posting they are very dynamic.