What is this interconnect?

Doubtful anybody will know, but I have a pair of interconnects that I demo'd at a stereo store a number of years ago and bought. There is no name, logo, or other corporate (or individual) markings, but they are atypical.

First, the RCA connector sticks out of a wood sheath. I am not talking about the metal cylinder which makes contact with the female rca connector, but right behind it - I don't know what type of wood it is, but looks quite nice. There is a large arrow on one end of the cable, in black and lettered imperfectly. Second the cable is semi-rigid. If you bend it in a L shape, it will stay that way. The cable itself is shielded by a grey textile material, it is densely braided and feels a bit like nylon or webbing.

They are strange interconnects, and I assume - made by someone in their garage, but if anyone knows anything about a cable like this.. do respond!

Much thanks for reading this far..
Ag insider logo xs@2xakimball
Damn! I know what those are, I've had them, but can not think of the name.
I believe the company that made them loaned us a set around 1993.
If I remember correctly there was quite a problem with the wood block
part of them breaking due to incorrect use. Now, what was the name of them???
I would know if we carried them, but we decided not to.
What about Versalab ? Don't know if it is what you were looking for, just thought i'd throw it into the ring. They were big fans of using wood on various cabling. Sean