Need Speaker Cable advice

I have Martin Logan SL2's and a logos as my front channels in my home theater. I am adding a parasound 2003a to drive them. I would like to buy used speaker cables in the 300-400 dollar range. i don't know anything about speaker cables. any advice?
Look into Nordost "Blue Heaven". These are in your range. Also, they are completely flat and can be put under carpet, etc. I own 'em and like 'em. Good Luck!
See for specials on MIT Terminator Series cables. Lower number the best. Terminator 2 the best, then 3, 4, 5, etc. Recommend you get the T2s. They are high end stuff at budget prices at this site.
Go with used cables to start let someone else take the beating on them.Stay away from Nordost All hype extreemly overvalued,even used.Audio quest Midnight or one up is a good start,Dh labs is a good choice.If you can find them Coincident Tech has a great line of cables.Jps also is a good choice.
Since you've gotten conflicting advice on Nordost, why not email for a Stealth cable recommendation in your price range? Models can be seen at, and there's a no-day money-back guarantee. I had MIT CVT Terminator cables, and my present Stealth Ultimate Ribbons are orders of magnitude better (though I should way the MIT's date back to 1990).