How Good are the Analysis Plus speaker c

Buffs, Been hearing lots of rave reviews on the Analysis Plus Oval 9, 12 and Silver Oval speaker cables. Has anyone here have experience with this cable? I'm planning to use it on my Krell FPB 200 mated to a Dynaudio Contour 1.8 II. Currently using MIT Terminator 4 speaker cables. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. If you can share what system you are using, I would highly appreciate it.
My experience was that a less expensive cable did everything better than the Oval 9, including warmth, natural-ness, large/deep/wide/ soundstage, speed, bandwidth, detail retrieval, imaging solidity, edge delineation...and you name it. And to compare the dynamics (both micro and macro) and sheer slam factor, to the Oval nine, is like comparing that 1960's VW to a top fuel dragster...This other cable was the previous series of MIT's affordable Terminator 2. These were at such a low price, that I gurantee my great grand children will be using mine (perhaps if only as a novelty) in their systems, in the 22nd century....Put another way, I'd never re-sell these, unless someone offered me many thousands of dollars for them (and if I couldn't buy any more of the closed-out "new" ones, the amount would have to be in the tens of thousands of dollars). That's how much I like them. Yes I'm biased, but for good reason, IMHO. And it's not as if many other cables didn't also beat the Oval 9, because they did in my system. My amp (during these particular comparisons): Krell KAV-250a. CD player: CD50. Speakers: MMG. Amp's power cord: Black Mamba (at that time). CD player power cord: MIT Z-Cord 2, plugged into Chang 6400 CLZ. Interconnect: MIT 330 SG Proline. Room treatment: ASC and RPG profoam. Except for the Chang, I've compared all of these to the competition, some of them to many different competing products.
Hi Carl, What speaker cable are you using? Sounds really good for solid-state...
My comments would be redundant. Here are the experts. It doesn't get any better than this! Your cables are THE true reference, capable of showing texture and inner definition, and expressing all the musicality while not imposing any character of their own. These are exactly the ideals all companies should hold their products to." -Chad Baures, Bel Canto Design The Analysis Plus Oval Nine cable sounds more natural and less colored than any cable I've heard. It sounds like what I hear through my headphones when I do my final listening check." - Joe Fratus, Art Audio "When you voice loudspeakers, a cable's contribution can adversely affect your judgment about the prototype's actual performance. By virtue of their superior transparency, we have used the Analysis Plus Oval 9 cables to finalize crossover work on two new designs. We will also use it for upcoming tradeshows. As a manufacturer, it allows us to hear what our speakers are doing without any cable-induced colorations." -Bernie Byers, President, Soliloquy High Fidelity Loudspeaker Company Looking at the retail price table, I remain puzzled how they can sell these cables so affordably... rest assured that I wouldn't bother introducing a new cable company in this space if I didn't believe this product to merit serious consideration... they offer rock-solid engineering savvy, a firm grasp on the science behind the hoopla, and intimate access to high-tech gear the actual use of which might confound a lot of competitors..." -Srajan Ebaen, Soundstage!,
I've been using a double run of the Silver Sonic T-14 and love the clarity and tight bass it presents. Has anyone compared this speaker cable to the Analysis cables? Associated Equipment: NHT 2.5i Acurus A200 stereo amp. Acurus Act3 preamp. Marantz cd-17 (using as a transport) Thanks! Ricky Hunter
Oops! Forgot to add that I'm using Transparent PDL digital coax, and Transparent Link 100 rca.