How Good are the Analysis Plus speaker c

Buffs, Been hearing lots of rave reviews on the Analysis Plus Oval 9, 12 and Silver Oval speaker cables. Has anyone here have experience with this cable? I'm planning to use it on my Krell FPB 200 mated to a Dynaudio Contour 1.8 II. Currently using MIT Terminator 4 speaker cables. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. If you can share what system you are using, I would highly appreciate it.
I've been using a double run of the Silver Sonic T-14 and love the clarity and tight bass it presents. Has anyone compared this speaker cable to the Analysis cables? Associated Equipment: NHT 2.5i Acurus A200 stereo amp. Acurus Act3 preamp. Marantz cd-17 (using as a transport) Thanks! Ricky Hunter
Oops! Forgot to add that I'm using Transparent PDL digital coax, and Transparent Link 100 rca.
Apparently, since I'm not a manufacturer, my observations regarding the Analysis Plus Oval 9 are somehow suspect and uncredible. For this, I apologize for not being a manufacturer, or for not being a dealer with a stake in the sales of this product. Every manufacturer has all sorts of science to back up their claims, and yet they don't all make the same product...go figure.
Ekmaia, read all of what I wrote, I clearly answer the question, before you ask it.