Record Cleaners-Which Work-Which Don't

Ok all give me a tip here on the record cleaners that really work,in removing dirt and really cleaning the grooves. Which brushes are considered better than others. Trying to find a product that reduces surface noise to acceptable low levels.
VPI mschine w/ Record Research Lab cleaning fluid. For v. dirty LP's, use LAST Power Cleaner first, then go thru the VPI.
If a VPI machine is beyond what you want, the LAST company mentioned has 3 different cleaners that can be used manually. #1 is a deep cleaning fluid good to use on LPs you pick up that are dirty. #2 is a preservative which will lengthen the life of your records and $3 is a daily cleaner before each use. For daily cleaning Discwasher makes an effective and inexpensive product.
i get good results hand-washing my records w/mild dish soap & luke-warm water. during play, i used to use a watts dust-bug, recently replaced w/a n.o.s. keith monks record sweeper, which has a ground-lead to remove static. i also use a milty zero-stat. i think arthur salvatore, a dealer in canada, still has some of these keith monks record sweepers still awailable, for ~$30-35, usa. doug
Used to have a lot of vinyl and cleaned them similarly to Sedond. Do remember that tap water often contains high concentrations of suspended solids (look inside a pipe sometime). Doing a final rinse with distilled water is highly recommended.
Does anyone have any experience with the Nitty Gritty cleaners and if they work well or not?