Need a good tuner and there aren't many?

I'm looking for a really nice tuner. Fanfare, Day Sequarra, and Magnum Dynalab are all good and a bit pricey. The FT-101A by Magnum Dynalab is about what I was needing but I was wondering if there are any other modern ones or older that are worth checking. It doesn't seem like there are many choices in the modern/new tuner arena for what I'm needing. I heard the Dyna-FM3 when properly running are one of the best period at a quite affordable price. Some of the older Mcintosh seem quite desireable but I don't know how much of there being wanted is due to their sound and how much due to the heritage/name. Any opinions on stuff under $1000 that offers very, very, very good performance while not the ultimate would be appreciated. There are no dealers in this area who can help me. Thanks.
Simple, buy a McIntosh model MR78, the best for a grand. Also think about an outdoor antenna, doubles the performance of any tuner for a couple of hundred dollars.
agreed w/outdoor antenna - try antenna performance specialties - gives me great reception in a *very* difficult area. besides the mac tuners (their mr 67 & 71 are also nice, keep an eye peeled for a tandberg 3001, an onix bwd1 w/soap, sansui tu9900 or tu-x1, yamaha ct7000. *all* these tuners will rival any tuners out there, for less than $1k...
For new stuff, check out the Creek T43 which has a MSRP of about $695. See reviews at and
I can vouch for the Dynaco; still have mine for a spare(from years ago) but it hasn't been in the system since I got my FT101 with the Sleuth preamp. I listened to a lot of 'affordable' tuners, then I heard the Dynalab & it was a no-brainer. I'm told that Meridian has a great new tuner but that's more $.
Tuners are the one component that I think it is great to by an older piece. It seems that tuners from the mid 60's to 70's were exemplary. My old Sansui has not been beaten yet by the new tuners that I have tried over the years(never tried any of the big bucks products). I am in an unusual area, being less than 1/4 to 2 miles from the tv/radio towers. I am actually under the signal. So, an analog tuner, that I can fine tune, works better for me than the digital models I have tried. I can really adjust, and lock on to a signal with my Sansui.