My Talk with Roger of XLO (power cords)

Hi all,Ray Here I regularly pick up my inventory and special orders from XLO. While I was there last week, I had an opportunity to Chat with Roger (Owner of XLO) on why his power cords work. I remember most of the conversation and thought you would enjoy it
Roger: Ray would you like to know why a XLO power cords work????
Ray: Yes, Pleeease tell me. I hear so many different theories, I don't know what to tell my clients, they are under the impression that it is black magic.
Roger: The key is in the design. That is why power cables work best on transports, amplifiers, and especially video devices. Pre amps, DACS, and other devices don't benefit as much.
Ray: Why is that?
Roger: Pre amps, DACS and other devices usually have power supplies with sufficient build quality to meet the performance demands. Most people are under the impression that power cords are used to keep interferance out, but this is impossible. Think of it this way: power comes from the power station, runs miles to your home, travels through romex in your home to your outlet, and there is nothing a three foot power cord can do to filter all that rf from the power station. Tests have shown that loud speakers, amplifiers, output devices work best on the same frequency as an AM radio bandwidth, approximately 60 cycles). So if you can design a power cord to try to maintain that cycle, you inherently will have better performance. Another words, don't build it to filter out, build it to keep wanted cycles in.
Ray: Another words you are trying to maintain consistency in the frequency?
Roger: That is correct.
Ray: Can I ask you about your opinion on speaker cable? There is a lot of confusion in this area also.
Roger: A lot of manufacturers build too much capacitance in the cable. This alters the transmission. Speaker cables and interconnects should do absolutely nothing to the sound. They should be as close to nuetral as possible.
Ray: Roger do you mind if I post this on the internet?
Roger: Absolutely not. I was given a PL1500 power cord from XLO,I tryed it on our Zenith 900 Pro CRT and our Sony LCD in our Show room after seeing the results I am a firm believer in Power cords Especially for Video Display devices XLO Limited Edition wire and cables were just reviewed in Ultimate Audio Magazine. Needless to say Roger definately knows his wire. The cables and wires received top praise from the reviewers. Take care.
RLA Home Theater and Hi-Fi
Well you all did a great job of bashing Roger but how exactly in your own words do power cords work ??? I confess I know little on the subject and was sceptical of there useage I have heard more than enough opinions on how they work and Rogers is no less acceptable than the others.Its easy to bash what you yourself dont understand I guess.And for the record I have never sold even 1 power cord from any manufacture.But please give me a detailed explanation of how they work and why they work equally as well on Dacs and Transports I dare you no double dare :)
I tend to agree with Sean that the original post is mumbo jumbo. By the way, I find the XLO cords sound quite good here in New Zealand where the power is 50Hz - I wonder why Roger exported to New Zealand if he really believed the issue was controlling 60Hz. Also, pull an XLO power cord apart and you see what is going on - good materials, shielding and conductor twisting for common mode rejection. Look at the construction of his cheaper black cord and compare it with the dearer purple cord and the most obvious difference is that the construction of the purple cord will give roughly twice the common mode rejection of the black cord. This does not gel with the claim that "there is nothing a 3 foot cord can do to filter.."