Isolation for turntables

I'm looking for some ideas on how to keep my turntable on the straight and narrow. My Oracle Delphi IV/SME345/Grado Reference is not in the ideal environment. I had a custom oak stand built for my gear and certainly blends well with the decor. Trouble is, my listening room has an oak strip hardwood floor, slightest footsteps makes the cartridge jump. Ouch. I bought a Townshend Seismic Sink HD and slipped it under the 'table, no real improvement. So, I'm going to sell the Sink and get something else, question is, what can I use to keep my rig from bouncing around? Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions, Jeff
A thing that works for us(Wifes idea) is to go to the local Hdwe store get some canister corks and place them under the feet. May work, may not, no great investment in time or money
get the thing set mkII will also take a WWF triple header and not flinch! i suggest you do it yourself or watch the set up so that you can do it in the future. assuming the table is currently set reasonably well all you need is the oracle paper jig to measure the tower distance from the acrylic base and spin the springs for best bounce uniformity. mine gets a tune up every 1 to 2 years and rarely needs anything but a precautionary oil change.