Best Phono stage under $1200? Audiomat?

What do you guys (and girls) recommend as your preferred phono stage for less than $1200 (new or used)?? I'd prefer a small case, but I'm more concerned with the sound. Does anyone have any experience with the Audiomat Phono 1 ????
Electrocompaniet ECP-1 $995,MM and MC very musical its not a tweakers phono preamp but probably one of if not the best phono stages under $1200 I've tried McCormick, Audio Researh, Lehmann Black Cube.
New EAR 834P, used Sonic Frontiers Phono One.
(not the older SF model, the current Stereophile class A rated model)
For what it's worth, with my ho-hum analog set up (Shure V-15 cartridge and not-very-audiophile Denon 'table) I have heard the Rotel, the Lehmann Cube, and the Phenomena. The rest of my electronics are tube. The Phenomona was my favorite of the phono preamps I heard and I bought it. Black Cube was impressive in its dynamics and detail, but I liked the Phenomena better because it sounded harmonically richer, made the music more coherent and flow more naturally, did less to emphasize surface noise, and had better esthetics, not requiring an outboard power cord. I think it's a bargain for $700. I have not heard the Phenomenon with its optional battery pack, which is supposed to raise it to even greater heights.
I'm using a Wavelength Audio Cotangent phono preamp. I also tried out the Audio Research PH-3 and the Sonice frontiers phono 1 and the Black Cube from lehmann and found the Wavelength to have a very engaging delivery. It is dynamic and very quiet for a tube unit. It sounds most like the AR but to my ears has a more toe tapping presentation with natural deep bass. I'm not sure Wavelength makes it anymore but it sold for $1000.00 Just my opinion of course.