From PC / Mac to DAC into Monoblocks, Direct?

Hello Everyone

For a newly reconfigured system (although keeping my Tympani IVa's) I want to use PC/Mac only as a front end, with monster monoblocks to ensure ample power to the Magneplanars.

With one source, I have no real need for a preamp, so I have been intrigued by other threads on Audiogon praising the performance of direct from DAC to amplifiers. (?)

Having always admired the looks of the Pass amps, I am thinking about a pair of X600's or 1000's.

From there, however, I would appreciate any advice on

1) PC vs Mac?
2) PC / Mac Interface?
3) DAC? (which can work with only an amp, obviously)
4) Cables?

to try and get as good as it gets with PC audio.

Extra credit for anything as impressive looking as the Pass monoblocks.

Happy New Year,
Re attenuator

This weekend, I managed to experiment with my trusty Audio Research DAC5 in the following configuration:

1) Mini Mac - USB out to Hagtech interface box
2) Hagtech interface box out to SPDIF input on ARC DAC5
3) DAC 5 direct to Levinson 23.5 power amp

To my surprise, (and as per Lustformusic's Foobar suggestion) I was able to easily adjust volume using the software when surfing around iTunes and Pandora, suggesting no preamp required?

Having said that, it did not sound great - just pretty good, so would appreciate any clarity on how attenuating the digital signal (?) might be compromising sound quality and how to improve upon that.

A friend from Audiogon has told me he has come close to perfected bit perfect rips to iTunes, which can be controlled using an iPad.

That too is of interest if anyone is using an iPad to browse their collection?
Hello Cwlondon, all volume controls including digital are not created equal. Digital volume controls literaly throw away resolution as they attenuate, although dynamics seem to be untouched. Analog depending on the quality seem to retain resolution but dynamics can suffer so it would seem on the surface you may as well toss a coin. I've also used passive attenuators which you can try between your Dac and Amp, some prefering TVC types over RVC attenuators.I had an interesting coversation with John from Bent Audio, he told me if you use both digital and analog attenuators at the same time each padding down the signal and operating toward their upper limits where both loose the least and operate at their best. I do this myself and find it's better than either attenuator types used on their own and dynamics timber and harmonics are preserved. I also see you are restricted to 20 bit because of your Dac of choice, upscaling both bits and frequency will give your digital volume control somthing to loose and retain more bits. I use Saracon or r8brain, the latter is free and easy to use.Please be sure your SPIDIF cable is 110 ohm , DH Labs make a good one for reasonable money but I know there are many others. I hope this will address at least part of of you needs.
Perfect - thank you so much. And I may have been imagining it, but just took the amp out of storage for this project and the whole thing seemed to sound much better last night after > 24 hours of warm up.

Nonetheless, fun and convenient to listen to, so look forward to further exploration of Mac to DAC.