"Protocols" of record cleaning

I have recently "re-discovered" vinyl due to the purchase of another TT and was wondering what the "suggested protocol" was for cleaning vinyl ? While i own a VPI 16.5, it is quite honestly still in the box. I have been using the "old standby" Discwasher system in the meantime and it seems to work fine. I am curious as to how often a record should be "majorly" cleaned via the VPI, what the recommended proceduce was, what to use as the cleaning solution, do you "tidy up" with the discwasher in-between "scrubbings", etc... ??? I ( and many others i'm sure ) would greatly appreciate a small "novel" on the subject from some of the vinyl addicts that i know frequent this site. If there is another source for this info such as a vinyl website, please direct me there so as to save us all from coming down with Carpal-Tunnel syndrome : ) Sean >
i have a keith monks record-sweeper (recently replaced my venerable watts dust-bug) - this device is a little brush on the end of an arm that tracks the grooves of a record as the record is playing - it does a great yob of keeping particulate matter off the needle, from the opposite side of the platter, as the record plays. the k-m wersion is an improvement over the dust-bug, as it's all metal, has tiny carbon-fibre hairs mixed in w/the horse-hair bristles, & the base is actually equipped w/a ground-wire, so you can drain the static charge from a record as it is playing. using a zero-stat prior to play also helps this, as does having installed a propor humidification system into your hvac unit! :>)

using the dust-bug & now the record-sweeper, has enabled me to keep my records in generally great condition over the years, w/o using a vacuum record-cleaning machine. when i buy new/use records, i yust wash 'em over the kitchen sink w/mild dish-soap, luke-warm water & a sponge, then dry w/a soft lint-free towel... i think that the discwasher brush does more harm than good, actually grinding stuff into the record grooves...

Try going to the website www.hifiheaven.com and go to the vinyl heaven section. There are some good links there with recommendations for commercial and DIY cleaners and methods. Thanks, Ben
Digging through some of my old IAR's last night, i found Enid Lumley's "guide to record cleaning". It sounds ABSOLUTELY INSANE to me. If anyone else is interested, let me know and i'll post her recommendations. We'll get to see just how dedicated some of us are in terms of what we'll do for the "best sound possible" : ) Sean >