Moderately priced phono preamps

I have 500+ records and probably spend on about 5% of my listening time playing records. I have a Rega 3 turntable. I have Legacy Focus speakers ($5400), Rotel pre/processor ($2K), and 3 PSE amps ($1K each). I recently bought a Sony S9000ES CD/DVD/SACD player that I love. I'm still using my 22 year old PSE preamp ($1K in 1978) for my phono stage. I do not expect many to be familiar with the PSE, but would like to buy a phono preamp and compare it with the PSE and return it if it doesn't sound better than the PSE. Right now I'm thinking about the $200 Rotel preamp. Does anyone have comments about the Rotel or any other similarly priced phono preamps?
I've heard the black cube. It wasn't lacking for much of anything. Excellent sound. Very detailed and almost 'sweet' sounding. A nice ergonomic consideration is that it does not require it's own shelf.
Puddles, you are correct that the Adcom GFP-750 is a line-level only preamp. I meant to list the Adcom GFP-710, which is an analog preamp with phono stage. Essentially, the GFP-710 is the successor to the GFP-565.
I use to own a Rotel RQ-970 and it was great for my needs. I now have a preamp with phono, the only reason I sold it. It is a Stereophile recommended component if that matters to you.
Iam on the similar trail as you. I have Vand 3A Signatures diriven with Musical Design 150B modified. I have been buying records and probably have 1500. If you dont have a record cleaner get one, its mandatory (mostly). I was using a PS Audio 5.5 heavily modified with the M500 supply. I thought it sounded okay untill a dealer from Sacramento loaned me a BAT 30;which buried the PS Audio. It was not in the same $ catagory as the PS, way more money. I value soundstage,focus,detail, phase coherence,dynamics,pretty much in that order. My searching experience so far is: You get what you pay for,mostly. One possible strategy is that you buy a linestage controller& phono stage separately.You could do this on the USED market, out of the very recommended lists, A word about cartridge loading try 20-30 mcgs of capacitance in each channel. This usually decreases the phono carts distortion greatly while reducing output some what. The tradeoff is well worth it. Keep in youch as I would be interested in your findings. Robert
Something you might consider is the NAD PP-1 phono pre-amp. I purchased an Audio Research SP 5 pre-amp because it had a phono section but I wasn't really satisfied with the sound. Being as it was over 20 years old I figured newer technology may offer some improvements. Tried the NAD and was pleasently surprised. At only $129 its a bargian and you could always return it if it is no improvement.