Power Snake Mamba vs. Synergistic Master

Anyone had a chance to compare the Mamba vs the Master Coupler head to head? Opinions?
Thanks. I just successfully bid on a pair of five foot Eels. Brian was indeed a pleasure to deal with. A down to earth, straigthforward guy. if the cords are half as good as you and other claim, I'll be keeping him busy over the next couple of months :-)
I never tried the standard Mamba, it was dicontinued too quickly (like after 2 months, or something). I liked the Reference Master Coupler better than the Black Mamba with either my Rogue or Krell amps. I liked the Black Mamba better than the standard Master Coupler, however. I didn't like any of them on my CD player. Search the threads for my extensive comparison of all of these, and more. It was called "My Sidewinder progress", began in May 2000...Now, the SR Reference seems to be beating the FIM Gold cord on my Rogue amp, ever since I got a PS300 for the CD player.
I bought a standard ac coupler, when I bought my amp. Versus the stock cord their was no contest.It seemed like their were no dynamics with the stock cord.The good bass was gone and speakers faded away.I tried the sidewinder from calen audio.He let audition it for almost a month. I didnt like it on my amp or preamp.It rolled of the highs,to the point that everything sounded dry, dull, lifeless.I not in a hurry to go back to powersnakes anytime soon.If you buy the synergistic from a dealer it has a lifetime upgrade policy.the Reference coupler is next up from the standard.More for sources but can be moved anywhere in the system.The reference coupler is a awesome powercord. good luck......