Koetsu sound

I have listened to the Koetsu Urushi. How do the others Koetsus relate to this cartridge. The Rosewood SIgnature, the Onyx Platinum. The diamond canteliver option?
I agree with Cornfedboy on his assessment of the sound of the Koetsu line of cartridges. The only thing I would add is that when I auditioned the Onyx Platinum and the Rosewood Signature Platinum, there were some differences. The Onyx is slightly more resolved and has a faster sound (almost more forward), and the Rosewood ( wood body ) had a slightly warm and musical balance, without any obvious sense of loss of resolution. There is no way to make a bad choice between these two. If you are unable to listen to both in your system and decide for yourself, I hope our comments will be helpful. By the way, when my audition was performed, it was with the same equipment suggested above, a Basis Mk5 and Graham 2.0 tungsten.
i have owned the koetsu rosewood signature platinum II for 2 years. i use a graham 2.0 delux arm on a basis 2500 tt. i agree with the comments above and would add that in my setup speed and resolution are excellent.

about the time i purchased it myles astor in "ultimate audio" reviewed this cartridge and reported that he enjoyed the traditional strengths of the koetsu but felt that it was too slow for his tastes. my take on his comments was that his vpi tnt, jmw memorial arm, and cj 15 phono stage were not a proper balance for the koetsu.

so mate the koetsu with fast and neutral gear and the balance should be good.

mike lavigne
Excellent posts above, most of which I totally agree. To my ear the Rosewood Signature Platinum captures the quintessential Koetsu sound, something that will never disappoint when used in a neutral arm like the Graham. The Onyx sounds to me like Koetsu's tribute to the inevitable, all its considerable glory notwithstanding. Personally, my ear is leaning toward a more agile and neutral cartridge, say the Lyra Helikon, paired with a more romantic arm like the Wheaton Triplanar. But I think the Koetsu/Graham would be an equally appealing antithesis.
Thanks for your responses. I own a Graham 2.0, Oracle Delphi V Turntable with the Lyra Helicon. I listened to the Urushi on a Graham 2.0 Lynn turntable. Maybe I should try to convince this person to come home with his Urushi and put it in my system.
IMO the Koetsu RSP and Onyx are not slow or musically colored-just sweet, fast, and open like the real thing.
Albert's right, the Onyx is cleaner and clearer but less rich than the RSP. Both the best I've ever heard. Buy one and forget about upgrading for a long time.