song title that is memorable

"Alligator, do not stop on tracks" from the Grateful Deads's 2nd lp has always been one of my favorite song titles. it always struck me as humourous (and unlikely), and represented a song on which they stretched musically.
anyone else have any titles that have proven memorable to them?
Boy, i could fill this thread up with a bunch of ripe trash from my youth, but i'll pass. Sean
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict, Let's Take The Skinheads Bowling, Careful With That Axe Eugene, Burning Airlines Give You So Much More, Happiness Is A Warm Gun, The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch, Meat Is Murder,
I have Wesley Willis' Shake Your Piggy Bank in my car's CD player right now. About a third of the tracks have memorable titles. For the song list, go to:

Amazon got the title of the first song wrong. It should read: "I WHUPPED Mighty Thor's Ass."