Anyone else tried the FIM Gold series?

I just replaced cables with FIM Gold, and I'm very happy. Has anyone else tried these yet?
By all means, let's break the rules and discuss me. You all are allowed to break them, but I am not. No, now is not the time for me to post my thoughts on this cable. I am not mature enough to have thoughts on this cable, but am apparently important enough to have Tom delete my reply, again (and not one rule was broken in it). It doesn't matter what I think of these anyway, try them for yourself Cornfed. You'll love how stiff they are.
Hi Recres, I share your views on the FIM PC and I am not a dealer. Have you tried the FIM IC and speaker cable yet? I will have access to there speaker cable next week. If it is anything like there PC I will be very very happy.
Hi Brulee, Yes, I have the interconnects and speaker cable, along with the power cables. (All purchased from a local dealer). You think the power cord is good? You just wait ...
Hi Cornfed, You can purchase them from a number of dealers. Andy Singer has taken on the entire line, he may be a good place to try. The business name is Sound By Singer, located in New York City. (I have NO affiliation). You could also just call FIM for a dealer closest to you. That's all I did.
I like what they do but find them to hard to manuver, it's like trying to coil a frozen garden hose. How do you connect them to a light weight componet?