Dustcovers.. on or off...

Curious as to who does what..I've always read that a dustcover left on is akin to an antenna for vibrations. I usually remove mine when doing serious listening, just wondering what everyone else thinks about the subject...
Off.Not only does the dustcover create a collector for airbourne vibrations, it also adds energy storing mass to a sensitive system,creates a resonant chamber with its own panel resonance characteristics which obscures and smears information.The dustcover is one of the few areas where I am in disagreement with Regas Roy Gandy, the other being his dismal of the value of record cleaning.

Whenever a black biscuit is spinning the dust cover is conveniently lying on the floor. Thanks, Doug
I am lazy, but I do leave it UP when using the TT. The annoying vibrations I get is mainly the dust cover against the base when there are outside vibrations, so leaving it up stops this. I suppose there are other low level vibrations, but I admit I am not a hard core vinyl listener.