Which material is best for a cartridge body?

Just wondering...I'm in the market for a low output MC and am wondering about cartridge body materials. Wood, aluminum, Noryl, plastic, composites?
I agree with Kelly, the top manufacturers have almost all chosen one of the woods he mentioned, or gone "nude" for their line.

I actually had the opportunity to compare the two Koetsu cartridges at the top of the heap. The Rosewood Signature Platinum against the Onyx Platinum. I preferred slightly warmer presentation of the Rosewood.
Thanks guys. I'm just looking at cartridges in the $200-400 range (I've got a modified Technics 1200). One thing it's for sure: must be shielded. I'm using a Grado right now and it doesn't cut it...too much hum. It sounds really nice for the money. Very musical.
I love the way my Koetsu RSP sounds. I was blown away by how quiet it was in my system with an ALL-TUBE phono stage.
The guys at needledoctor are recommending to me the Ortofon MC 15 Super MK II low output MC cartridge with Noryl body ($215.00). That is, for my Technics SL-1200 MKII (which happens to be a favorite there) and for listening to ALL types of music. They say Noryl is less bright than aluminum...that it would be a better match for my TT dollar for dollar...

I'm open to any other suggestions in the $200-$400 range...