Anyone ever opened MIT cables?

Has anyone ever opened (and thus demolished)MIT cables? What is inside those boxes? What is the 'secret' anyway? Pictures?
Gee, I guess that negates a whole patent, and a whole company's product line. I can't believe it would, but apparently it does. What the hell do you think Audioquest has, a "non-profit" margin? Gimme a break! It costs them pennies on the dollar to make their wire, just like all of them. What about David Wilson's profit margin? I hear he drives a Ferrari...bought with the margins he makes on all those 20,000 Watt $20,000 each...
I wouldn't disagree with the fellow who posted the above, and I wasn't implying that the Audioquest guy runs a charity, I was only repeating his little joke. He also said in the interview that what he and others in the industry are really selling is the same kind of feeling you get when you have your car washed. Somehow the car feels like its running better now that it's clean and shiny. Speaking of cars, doesn't the head of Monster drive two Ferraris? Or is it three?
Sorry, Carl, but it's true. The head of Monster Cable has 13 sports cars, including a $200,000 Ferrari, that winners of sales contests get to drive on expense paid weekends to places like Napa Valley. Nice incentive, regardless of whether or not one believes in their products. To read more about it go to Forbes Magazine's article: .
I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing it out. Boy, talk about a robber baron! This Noel Lee is worse than Bill Gates! Just think, if the other cable companies were able to steal market share from him at Good Guys and circuit city, they might be able to rent out Ferraris too! NOTICE THE SMUG WAY THE ARTICLE DISMISSES THE AUDIOPHILE HOBBY? What jerks the general populace are, especially those weenies at Forbes!