Thanks to all for the input so far. It appears I am guilty.
I assumed (I know,I know ) since the Cable Co. and Goertz' own web site said the MI2 and the Python MI2 were sonic equivalents, that there was no need for me to hear the flat MI2. Now I will definitely try them. Scott, can you quantify the characteristics you preferred in the flat design? Sean, VERY interesting observation about the bass bloat. I had noticed a SLIGHTLY overripe bass, but I attributed that to the Spendor/Cary combo, based in part on discussion with Bob Neill. I did the best I could by moving the speakers further into the room, but I am curious now what the flat Goertz may do in this area. I will certainly contact the company directly regarding two other areas. Their web site says that the capacitance problem is only of concern in very few systems, with SS amps utilizing negative feedback and unstable design, coupled to speakers with high impedance at high frequencies. Since I have a zero feedback tube amp, and since I don't believe the Spendors impedance goes too high, I wasn't anticipating a problem, but better safe than sorry. Also, I would like to know if you can readily tell the Teflon version from the original. Sonic brings up a good point, have either of you tried the Goertz in single runs (maybe MI3) with their jumpers?
I assumed (I know,I know ) since the Cable Co. and Goertz' own web site said the MI2 and the Python MI2 were sonic equivalents, that there was no need for me to hear the flat MI2. Now I will definitely try them. Scott, can you quantify the characteristics you preferred in the flat design? Sean, VERY interesting observation about the bass bloat. I had noticed a SLIGHTLY overripe bass, but I attributed that to the Spendor/Cary combo, based in part on discussion with Bob Neill. I did the best I could by moving the speakers further into the room, but I am curious now what the flat Goertz may do in this area. I will certainly contact the company directly regarding two other areas. Their web site says that the capacitance problem is only of concern in very few systems, with SS amps utilizing negative feedback and unstable design, coupled to speakers with high impedance at high frequencies. Since I have a zero feedback tube amp, and since I don't believe the Spendors impedance goes too high, I wasn't anticipating a problem, but better safe than sorry. Also, I would like to know if you can readily tell the Teflon version from the original. Sonic brings up a good point, have either of you tried the Goertz in single runs (maybe MI3) with their jumpers?