ET 2 Owners - feedback please

I am interested in hearing from other ET2 owners what modifications/upgrades they have tried, and which were the most productive. I have the high preasure manifold so have considered the higher output air pump, as well as the surge tank. I have also applied Marigo dots with good success. What has worked for you? In what order would you apply these upgrades? What has not worked? Please share your knowledge.
Thank you for your time, experience, and feedback in this matter.

Squidboy Whitebreath
The father of many fish
The slayer of many worms
I had two of these (on separate occasions). The first worked flawlessly, using the stock pump and no surge tank. The second was a constant pain -- the arm hung up near the end of records, and other problems I can't remember but that destroyed the styli on at least two cartridges. This arm came with the Wisa pump and fancy surge tank. Finally discovered, after selling it, that BOTH the pump and the surge tank were defective. Nothing was wrong with the arm itself. Moral: stick with the original pump. Bruce Thigpen of ET was extremely helpful, by the way, but couldn't solve the problems that the pump/surge tank were creating.
I have the WISA pump & surge tank. With the surge tank, the image is much more focused, ,involving, & realistic.
Hello. I also use the ET-2 with a homemade surge tank and feel that the surge tank is a very worthwhile upgrade,offering better dynamic range and focus to the sound.Precision set up is imperative with most any table/arm combination but it is of paramount importance with the ET-2.When the arm was first introduced it was commonly sold with the VPI suspension tables and was just about impossible to get it set up right.Much akin to the old Linn lp-12 scenario...Very much a hit and miss situation and one that inevetably would go out of adjustment regularly due to the suspended chassis.The simple fact of the matter is: Do "NOT" use the ET-2 on suspended tables! The tonearm must be "exactly" level to get the best out of it.When precisely set up properly...I personally feel it is as good as anything out there!It is a very versatile tonearm and will get the best out of most any catrtridge on the market regardless of compliance.As most of you veteran analogue users know...cartridge compliance and tonearm matching are of paramount importance!If you own one of the many fine suspension tables,I would suggest using one of the other fine tonearms out there as the ET-2 will just frustrate you to "no end"! Best of Luck Cheers David.