ET 2 Owners - feedback please

I am interested in hearing from other ET2 owners what modifications/upgrades they have tried, and which were the most productive. I have the high preasure manifold so have considered the higher output air pump, as well as the surge tank. I have also applied Marigo dots with good success. What has worked for you? In what order would you apply these upgrades? What has not worked? Please share your knowledge.
Thank you for your time, experience, and feedback in this matter.

Squidboy Whitebreath
The father of many fish
The slayer of many worms
Hi Squidboy. I went to walmart and bought an automotive air tank and simply changed the fittings to accomodate the air hose from the pump to the tank.Then threaded an industrial air regulator valve to regulate the air out to the tonearm.Total cost was about $45.00.Anyone using an et-2 should do this as the improvement is more than suttle on a high resolution rig.A friend did the same thing with a barbecue tank.Hope this helps. Cheers David
Elaborating on my post above, I had the surge tank sold with the Wisa pump. Don't remember the brand, but it was a green tube with white end caps. Looked great, but I ultimately found out it was leaking air THROUGH the end caps (put the ends in a pan of water and air bubbled through). Also, the Wisa pump was not doing its job. The purchaser, an ET-2 fanatic, said he had found these problems with a number of such pumps and tanks.
My previous PVC tank, which I got from previous owner, has leakage problem when high pressure from WISA engaged. My current tank, a metal one, has no leakage. I got the new one from eBay by searching for "CAMPBELL HAUSFELD".
Thanks for the replies so far. I have purchased a Campbell Hausfeld air tank. Now, what have you guys done in terms of air supply. Who has stuck with the stock pump, who has changed to the Wisa pump, and what other options can be suggested? I saw a couple of small air tanks by Campbell Hausfeld that included small air compressors - anyone attempt using something like that?
I'm using WISA pump & only gets about 6.5 psi. Those air compressors are very loud. The previous owner of my ET-2 had bigger compressor from HomeDepot & tuned the pressure to 15 psi. His analog rig was in the living room & the compressor was in the garage due to the loudness.