Linn Lingo

Has anyone tried putting beefier power cord on it and found any difference?
I tried JPS Labs Analog and Shunyata Sidewinder and found almost no difference. Slightly softer bass with the JPS, and smaller soundstage with the Shunyata, as I recall. I've also found my Karik CD player to be almost immune to PC's. I think Linn power supplies are so well designed and built that PC's are of limited value. I spent that money elsewhere. I should add, though, that I use a power conditioner (Tice) to great effect. I auditioned the PC's on my Lingo both into the Tice and straight into dedicated lines. I also use a JPS Power AC on my amp, straight into the wall, so I'm not prejudiced against PC's.
Same for me. Haven't found PC's t mka emuch difference on the Linto ot the Lingo. Looks like the Brillian power supply on these units minizes cord impact. I use BMI Eeels on all other components.
switching power supply it will be a lot less subject to power line garbage. Lingos don't have the Brilliant AFAIK, unless the newer versions have been changed to use them. It's no surprise, though, that a Karik or Numerik equipped with a Brilliant should be unaffected by a power cord change.
Tobias - you are of course right. My bad. The Lingo has a toroidal power supply.