How come a power cable changes the sound?

A good power cable definetely changes the sound but how ? A cheap 2,5 mm copper cable comes upto wall outlet and comes through a fuse (which has very thin wire) than we add a huge heavy power cord which cost 500$ than the sound of the equipment has big improvement What is the technicial logic and magic out of that ? Thanks..
See 'fallacy of ac treatments' thread below. This subject evokes much emotion, to say the least!
Dtf, does it not occur to you that there could be something else relevant to the effect of a power cable than just its resistance? If you have tried various power cords and not heard any difference then say so - but insulting people that do hear a difference is less than helpful. It suggests you are either resentful of others or just wish to start a meaningless argument - when in fact you may indeed have something worthwhile to contribute.
I have tried a few lower end pcs and have found no difference although I am not saying that with the right cord a difference could not be realized. Its my opinion that an aftermarket pc unless properly filtered would only enhance or magnify the "noise" found in your home's power lines. Possibly using clean power, say from a PS Audio 300 or the like, would possibly bring greater results as opposed to higher end pcs. "Clean" power seems to be the best starting point after which pcs could be auditioned...just my opinion
I always prefer to ans. a question, with a question.As in: how come the world is round?? You don't have to be a rocket scientist;it only requires you have equiptment,and ears. Our MAITE,from down under says it all quite well; actually much more eloquently than I could have. Quantum Physics doesn't have the ans. for everything in life.My formula : If you can hear the dif./have the money and desire/ buy it!! This goes for 500 dollar amps/vs 10grand amps.If you can't/ don't.Pretty simple.Things should be made as simple as possible/but no simpler. Loose the disgruntled atitude,go with your ears/that's what this hobby is all about. Happy Holidays!!
i'm asuming you were talking about the shunyata cobra and their blk mamba, when you said "bsolutely no diff i sound". hmmmmmm, 've listened to both of these cords extensively and must offer a different finding. while maintaining a family-sound, the two cords are quite different in their aural affect on, at least my system. the cobra sounds much like the king cobra, but sounds much better than the blk mamba. my findings on this matter are not unique, as i have spoken with a number of othre owners of this equipment. i agree that cords and cabling are very listener AND system dependant: thay all cord will not have the same affect in all systems. in spite of this, i still stand by my observations on the cobra and blk mamba, the differences are large. mike