How come a power cable changes the sound?

A good power cable definetely changes the sound but how ? A cheap 2,5 mm copper cable comes upto wall outlet and comes through a fuse (which has very thin wire) than we add a huge heavy power cord which cost 500$ than the sound of the equipment has big improvement What is the technicial logic and magic out of that ? Thanks..
Does DTF stand for Deft? Maybe you are right about "vivid imaginations"...Maybe I am the leader of the audiophile cult..... we shall take over your mind with needless ways to spend your are in our control...It is all part of a great conspiracy...Every cable manufacturer is part of this conspiracy....All audiophiles are bumbling automotons that hear whatever we tell them to hear....If you stay an "audiophile" your days will be numbered...If you do not come to your senses (like the majority of the smart people and buy a Bose wave radio) then we will brainwash you too.
Power cable? Another wire mythology? Dtf, I think you're on to something. Question: Who said power cables change the sound? I remember reading of an audio writer at one of the audio shows. He asked a well known cable carnival man how his multi-hundred-dollar-a-meter speaker cable would be superior to a copper bar soldered directly to the amp and speaker. The carnival cable man could not say.
Remember your above words regarding insults.// Smart questions more often tend to have that very same effect.// If you hear it, does it matter to you if it's really there?
Apologies Waldhorner. I am getting really tired and testy of the "I cannot hear it, so you must be deluded" brigade, that demand scientific proof from a chat forum. We have had a barage of this negativism in recent weeks and I have stupidly (whoops, must apologise to myself now) entered the fray to try and beat it into retreat. It is a pox on this forum. If you don't hear it, then fine, say so and your opinion is recorded. Let others express theirs. If everyones' opinion here had to be accompanied by scientific proof we would get NOWHERE - like this post is going nowhere and the several others of its kind elsewhere in Audiogon. You have evry right to choose whose opinions to guide you - that is most of what I see such forums as this providing. You may claim that you are merely asking for an explanation, but the real message in the negativists' posts is that those that hear differences [that they do not hear] are deluded, and that without scientific proof, should be ignored. And by the way, if it affects my enjoyment of the music, then to all intents and purposes it is "there" - being existentialist about it is meaningless. Waldhorner, if someone manages to develop a convincing explanation as to how a power cable can change the sound, what will this do for you? Will you suddenly let yourself hear the difference? Or will your experience predominate? In which case, what good is the explanation? If the explanation has nothing to do with the differences in sound that I (and others) hear, what good is it? The existence of an explanation does not necessarily help.