difference beetwen pc audio and hi-end?

If somebody could write about difference between pc audio sound and for example dcs scarlatti,accuphase or emm labs. If for example dcs has 10 level (the best?) so when somebody who knows this (dcs) sound set pc audio (for example:realtek configuration audio HD)what number give this pc sound?, 3? 4?
I know that this very difficult. But if someone can set pc audio to compare a little with hi-end myabe write here . And if someone (like me) never heard dcs what can he hear the difference. If this difference will large,very large or very very large.Sory for my English. I come from Poland (Ancient Audio).
Thank You
In many tests in Poland dcs is the best. Is this really truth? It must be very very good system, but for example there are even more expensive systems.

Many of us are getting excellent results with computer audio. Like everything it is all in the implementation; properly set up computer, good software, good cables, and a good DAC.

Higher resolution downloads are becoming more common up to 24 bit 192KHz.

Go poke a round over here


Herman thanks for the very good link. Heve You heard some information about dcs scarlatti dac. And if yes what can You tell? And maybe tell shortly about implementation pc?

Never heard a DCS.

There is much debate about the best computer setup. I prefer a Mac since there is good software and they are easy to use but others prefer a PC. Like all things audio there is rarely a best, just different ways.

Go to the websites for Wavelength Audio and Empirical Audio. They have some info on setting up the computer.




The Marantz CD7 recommendation is interesting. It uses a much older 44.1KHz/16 bit DAC that in reality falls somewhat short of 16 bits. Given the availability of 24 bit 192KHz material you are limited in what it can handle. I've also found these DACs to be very forgiving and seductive but compared to modern DACs they just don't have the resolution or high frequency extension of modern DACs. I understand why some like it but it really falls short of the latest implementations.



Why never heard DCS?

Never been to a dealer or anybody who had one. I've never heard a lot of brands because I've never had the opportunity.

Never driven a Ferrari
Never slept with Bo Derrick
