Is this why my analog rig isn't so hot?

Hi All,

My system is quite decent, but...

Could it be the voltage output of my Benz Glider is too high?

My photo stage - a 47 Lab PhonoCube - could handle low outputs down to 0.12 mV. Since my Glider has a medium output (0.83 mV) - is this why I'm not that happy with my system? I seem to want to hear more, specially the top.

If I got the same Glider but with a lower output, would it make a difference? Or should I get a better cartridge? And which one?

My system:

Basis 2000 table
RS-A1 Lab arm
Benz Glider (0.83 mV)
47 Lab PhonoCube phono stage
47 Lab Chooser passive preamp
47 Lab Gaincard amp
Konus Audio Essence speakers

The SP-10 has been discontinued since 1992 or '94 with no parts support.

I agree, the recording has to do more than anything else. You must not omit the fact that in vinyl we're dealing with recording and pressing. You can have a good recording and bad plating/vinyl quality and that affects playback. That is the case with a lot of my salsa vinyl: the music is great, the recording is good, the plating is good (most were plated @ Sterling Sound ) and the vinyl sucks.

The point is that CD and vinyl can be made to sound pretty close to each other, each having its own advantages. No matter how expensive a vinyl rig is, listening to classical music with all those pops and ticks is not pleasant.

I think you probably didn't give enough credits for the relaibility of those SP-10s. Most of the broadcast quality is far more superior than pro-audio or consumer grade. I love my EMT930ST table with the 929 arm and EMT cartridge. I was dumb enough to trade it 4 years ago because of the limited cartridge selection.
Psychicanimal: " Raoul, you just don't know when to quit ".
This speack for your self. You can't learn anything, you insist: " the point is that CD and vinyl can be made to sound pretty close...".
Yes, all we know that you like to show to all of us your stupid brain: no-brain animal.
I know that you were working hard to get your master degree on the No Brain-Animal College, and as I can see now you are working fast and very hard for to get your second master degree like no brain-animal, go a head because right now you have the oportunity to get not one but two Guiness records: to be the only no brain-animal with two master degrees and to be the youngest one ( 41 age old only, when others no brain-animals take 60 to 70 years ). It is for sure that your small no brain-animal group will be congratulated when you get those Guiness records.
Best wishes.
Raoul, here's your prescription: We need to address your kidneys and gastrointestinal system urgently. Your temper is adversely affecting those organs. For three days I want you to eat raw, whole oranges (7 in the morning, 7 for lunch, 7 for breakfast). In the mornings I want you to drink teas made from the bark of the Almácigo tree. Its sap is astringent and will fix you up. If you gather the bark yourself remember you need to ask the tree for permission...

Once that is done you can eat fruits and vegetables. You will make a tea from either Juana la Blanca or Baquiña. They must be filtered with filter paper. These herbs are so potent they dissolve kidney stones. Do this for 7 days. On day 7 you go to the beach at night and walk backwards into the ocean. As you fall in the water you will recite the following: "Que salga lo malo y entre lo bueno".

Once you get back home, get online and buy some Hector Lavoe LPs or CDs in eBay. Then take good ol' Jimbo to Club Prestige. In Mexico City Mama Rumba is a good spot to hang out--it's a Cuban joint.

Get well.

With psychic power and primal intensity,