advice for an old newbie

after a 23 year hiatus from vinyl i now want to jump back in. am considering a beginner's package of Pro-Ject (Austrian) Perspective turntable with Pro-ject tone arm & Benz low-end MC cartridge. package costs $1100. is this a reasonable system for an old newbie ? any other suggestions for the same budget ? Thanks. Bob.
Ryllau, the basic issue is whether you intend to collect records or listen to the audiophile vinyl pressings that are being released nowadays. If it's the first, I have shown you the best way to go. I gave it lots of thought. If it's the second, the members who have suggested turntables with an upgradeability path, such as Sota and VPI, have showed you the way, too. You must decide what your musical goal is first.
psychic, i do *both*, and i woodn't trade my oracle for for a tweeked sl-1200mkll. no problem w/parts awailability or reliability - my 'table is currently 20 years old. as a dust-bug is the *only* ting i'd ever consider using to clean a record while on the platter, this is not a consideration. any hand-held record cleaner designed for use while a record is spinning on the platter, will yust drive more dirt deeper into the grooves than it will remove, imo. lo-output cartridges are no problem w/my 'table, i'm presently using a 0.2mv cartridge. the only problem is i can't do 78's. if i played '78's, i'd get a 'table yust for that & keep the oracle for everyting else. so, even for a record collector, there are other opinions as to the "best way to go".

regards, doug s.

Sedond, your opinion is way over the budget of this thread, as well as of most audiophile's pocketbooks. That's why the Technics has become a worldwide phenomenom among record collectors. I did not think of buying one until one day, just for fun, I started to look at the 1200MK2 postings in Although a lot of them were from DJs, quite a number were from bona fide audiophiles from all over the world. Being open minded, I researched further. One of these guys had Joseph Grado rewire his tonearm!

An Audiogon member from Italy e-mailed me wondering about the details of the modifications I'm working on. When I asked him what his system consisted of, I was surprised... some very serious equipment. I don't know if it's the same person, but one of these Italians is saying that his modified 1200 is rivalling his SME setup...

Let's see the numbers:

Technics SL-1200MK2 $450.00
JA Michell clamp $ 50.00
Sumiko HS-MMT headshell $ 30.00
Cardas tonearm wire (8ft) $ 16.00
Phoenix Gold IC 1m $ 39.00
Audio Quest sorbo mat $ 95.00
Tonearm fluid damper $149.00
Service manual $ 21.95

Total(tax & freight not $850.95

This still leaves you enough to buy an Audio Technica Low output MC ($199 at Audio Advisor). You could even buy the Dynavector 20 ($500) low output MC and still stay within reason.

As for cleaning records on the TT, I've used the Discwasher for many years and my records are in great shape. The rotation of the pad and the unidirectional fibers provide a lifting action. As with any tool, you have to let its own weight do the job for you. I agree that if used improperly you could actually do more harm than good.

The audio manager at the last store I work asserted me that oracle is THE turntable to have. That is, if you can afford it.

Peace to all.
hi psychic,

i had a discwasher, never could get the hang of it! ;~) try a keith monks record-sweeper - like the old watts dust-bug only better - this ting even has a grounding-wire to help eliminate static. it (like my old dust-bug) accurately tracks the grooves - i've never had a crud-build-up problem on my stylus using one of these. arthur salvatore carries n.o.s. record-sweepers for ~$30...

re: costs, while i have a bit more into it now, i paid $1250 for my mint-condition oracle, upgraded to mk-v specs, all except the motor & power-supply. this included customs/shipping to maryland from canada, & having to buy a gnu box. cost wooda been $800, if i'd have forgone the upgrades. oh yeah, it also included a perfect-condition grace 727 tone-arm - a decent arm, tho i don't presently use it.

i dunno if this is *the* 'table to have, but they *are* up there, & not too spendy for a patient shopper... :>)

regards, doug s.