VPI cleaning fluid and fungus

Does anyone know what the VPI cleaning fluid is made out of? I have a bottle that has been sitting for a few months, unused. I looked at it today and in the bottom there is a 2"X1" fuzzy grey-green ball that looks suspiciously like a huge ball of mold. Now, that can't be good for my vinyl. Granted, all of the fluid should be vacuumed off, but this still concerns me. Is this just a bad batch of cleaning fluid? Should I switch brands?
I think I'll put mine in the fridge. Also, I don't know if it would help, but you can add some amount of isopropyl alcohol to VPI fluid. Perhaps it would serve as a preservative. You might want to ask Harry Weisfeld.
I have used one other fluid, but I find that the VPI fluid seems to work best on my machine (a VPI 16).
If this happens, you probably have a dirty environment or you mixed it incorrectly. I believe that the VPI fluid is just a surfactant in water. If you try to make it stronger than reccomended, the surfactant could "fall out of solution" producing a cloudiness. Since I make my own solution, I'm not going to give away secrets for more powerful cleaners, but you can try a couple of drops of alcohol. If this doesn't work don't add more. Volatile (common) alcohols will only damage your records.