F I M Speaker Cables

How good are these cables more interested on the gold series Thanks
Sdrc- Thanks for the detailed explanation. Given the rather unique failure mode, it's no wonder that it took many tweeters before the problem was realized. In retrospect, the "pulled the components off center" should have been a clue that the power cords weren't formed properly to remain seated into the component. Of course, hindsight is 20/20. As for the quality of the terminations of the FIM cables, I can only guess that they changed their termination techniques after the production of the cables that you installed. All of the cables that I own are extremely well terminated, both electrically and aesthetically. Since the IEC connector shell of the FIM power cord is industry standard, it must have been the bend stress that wasn't allowing proper mating. Again, thanks for the lengthy and detailed explanation.
Again I thank you for the explanation. The problem is was unique. I think the "jigglers" you refer to are the Vistek Aurio Isobearing devices. Great devices which I am thinking of placing in my system. If I have gleaned the information from your thread correctly, the problem exists due to the horizontal displacement of vibration (due the design function of the Vistek devices) which caused enough movement in the equipment to cause loose connection on the IEC connectors. I take it that the unstable connections sent high frequency signals to the amp and then onto the tweeters which were promptly fried. This would seem to be a "combination" problem and not one isolated to FIM. I do, however, understand your standpoint, that being business. Best regards, Mike
Well put Mikeam, I haven't heard of this before. I doubt that there is little if any horizontal deflection with my equipment stands. I can attest that I have a system full of FIM Gold cables, along with JM Labs for the past 19 to 20 months without ANY problem what so ever. The FIM is a stiff cable which requires proper installation, taking adequate time to bend the cable into position. After reading this post, I've checked the heavy duty IEC connectors on the back of my Tube Research 100 and it still is tight within the connection, as well within its' mounting.

My Utopia tweeters are still working fine and I'm very pleased with the complete line of FIM Gold series cable.
SD, I am sorry to hear that those highschool shop class quality FIM connectors caused you so much problem. Next time, ask those high school students to provide some type of screw on attachment, so the FIM cable can be screwed to the frame of the component's iec input.

Then again, screw the whole component that is connected to a FIM cord onto the stand which it sits on to make sure it doesn't flow off the shelf when the FIM cord "unbends" itself. Then again, screw the whole stand onto the ground it sits on...
Actually, maybe it's that you have lightweight components, Viggen. You know, where the power cord weighs more than the component, like Aragon. If you read the above posts, it sounds more like an IEC jack failure on the component end.