Playing back 78s? Where do I start?

I think I made a big mistake today buying a 78 since I have no way of playing it back. I already have a major vinyl sickness so what's adding another little twist. My system right now is a VPI 3.5 w/Grado Reference, ARC Ref1 and RefPhono so I really don't care about cost as much as I care about getting the most out of the discs. Will an old Thorens do? Any suggestions or advice greatly appreciated.
That or an old Dual will do real nicely with an Ortofon cartridge like the OM-10 ($60) or OM-5 ($40). They sell a 78 RPM needle that fit either for like $30.
A lot of Dual came standard with the Ortofon, so if you check eBay, you may find one with it already and will just need the stylus (needle). You could skip the stylus, but it will track better and wear less with the proper one.