Best speaker cables

I have Cary Audio (cad 40M) mono blocks near beside my Proac responce 3.5 speakers, I need 2" speaker cables, but which one when it has to be so short ?
yanomami: do you really mean 2 inch cords? my bet is you meant 2 feet. do try to audition several pairs. you'll get all kinds of opinions here, which, in the long run don't mean squat 'til you hear for youself. i prefer cable from cardas, tara and fim, the patricular model depending upon your budget. BTW, you're likely to discover that a 2 foot pair will cost no less than a 4-6 foot pair, maybe even nore if they require custom termination. good hunting.
To Cornfedboy! Offcause it is 2 feet, but they are so short that many companies don't sell so short and what about box? What do you mean audition? Best regards
Hi Yanomani, What Cornfedboy meant by audition is... Listen to the cables for yourself in your system so you can make the right choice for you. Good luck, Tom