TT opinions please

I've been lurking in the background for several days now, and I've observed that there are quite a few knowledgeable souls out there. I've been into audio for better than 20 years, (with several unexplained lapses), and I've floated back into vinyl. It's definately time to swap out the old TT, (a B&O TX w/MMC3), and I'm considering several alternatives, among them:
Rega P3 w/ Origin Live RB250, New
Arison RD11s w/ AQ arm, Used
Basis 1400 w/RB300 arm, Used
VPI 19jr. w/ AQ arm, Used
Linn LP12, several flavors of arms, used
maybe a Pro-Ject Perspective, New
or perhaps a Michell Gyro SE w/ RB300, New

Some of these I've heard, most of them I have not. I tend to prefer fairly sharp highs, moderate midrange bloom, and a tight bottom end. This will be connected thru a Musical Fidelity XLP, Adcom 750 preamp, Parasound HCA-1200 and PSB Stratus Golds.

I'm not exactly poor, but I am cheap! Any thoughts, opinions, directives, etc? Thanks in advance for the help!
Oracle Delphi IV or V. From there, pick an arm and cartridge you can afford. My preference is a SME 5 arm, cartridges vary a fair bit according to musical tastes and your budget; a Grado Reference may be a good choice. Do your best to make the right investment in vinyl, God knows it's worth it.
Thanks, folks! Judging from what I've read in your responses, either the VPI or a Rega 25 get the vote. The Linns seem to require to much tweeking for my taste.

I didn't mention a cartridge specifically because I wanted to reduce the variables early in the discussion. One of several drawbacks with a B&O table is that you are stuck with their cartridges. A more "standard" table/arm combination affords the opportunity to try different cartridges, which is fairly easy to do, while trying different tables is not. So, given either the VPI or the Rega, any cartridge suggestions out there?

Jfrech - Can you point me towards a Rega 25 at less than $1300? Most of them I have seen retail at around $1295. What do you gain with a P25 over the P3/2000?

Albertporter - Please read "detailed highs" for "sharp highs". I must have been vocabularily(?) challenged this morning.
Well Tempered Turntable. Part of the fun in vinyl is having a great sounding table that can work with every cartridge. This table allows you to adjust everything. VTA (hieght} Cartridge angle, overhang, etc etc. This table will give you a very open sound and good bass. You'll also learn quite a bit about the differences in sound quality based on the way you set up the table (more fun than set and forget)
You need to get the "black damped platter" so it might be a little hard to find but thier relatively inexpensive.
The Blue point Special cartridge works excellent with this table ' and again cheap'
I would have to agree with Albert. The Basis 1400 with the Rega arm is a great combo. This table is also a great match for the Graham arm or the Morch arm, which is what I am thinking of upgrading too. Also the Dynavector 10x4 is a great cartridge in the $350 range, I would highly recommend it with that combo. When I upgrade to the Morch arm I will most likely go with a cartride in the Benz line. Any recommendations out there would be most welcomed. Best-Gary
Geezer, I bought a new p25 from music direct for $1000. It was 6-8 months ago. The salesperson pretty much offered that price with out any negotiation on my part. The p25 get's you a better arm rb-600 which has better cables, counterweight and better bearings (or maybe tolerance-not exactly sure which one. The turntable has a little different plinth and motor than the p25. Hope this helps...

PS, I've also found putting the table on DH cones and sq's helps a bunch...