Best cables for Thiel 2.3

I'm using Thiels 2.3 with Krell KAV 300i, and Rega CD player. Would like to get rid of the bright or harsh sound which comes through with some ( a lot) of my CD's. Now using Monster M 2.2 speaker cable with Audio Quest interconnects. Any ideas?
Purist Audio Design--they are very smooth. Relaxed and laid back is how I would describe them.
Hi Yashu. I tried a variety of cables on Thiel CS 2.3s, using a Krell KAV-250a, also trying to get rid of that dry/grainy/bright sound. Most cables sounded pretty irritating, including my Goertz MI-2s, which had worked well in nearly every other situation. The best sound we got was NBS Mine/Serpent II. Fast, open, detailed, but not bright or grainy. Wish I could have tried the better NBS but I didn't have any at the time. Highwire(I don't know if they are still in business) model 1100 sounded very smooth, soft, sweet, but also closed in, and rolled on the top and bottom ends.
Interconnects were mostly AQ(not the latest stuff). Watch your power cord; the Krell KAV series is very pc sensitive, in my experience. I would also consider the MIT or Transparent matched-system approach; seems like this would be right up their alley.
Don't really know how it would stack up against other quality gear, but I'm using the Homegrown Super Silver interconnects and Kimber Monocle XL speaker cabels (VTL preamp, Bryston amp, Thiel 2.3's) and am very pleased. Some have suggested that the Krell & Thiel combo can be predisposed to a little harshness, but I really can't speak to it. Others have suggested MIT as a good way to add a little taming to otherwise strident systems. In my experience, though, the Kimber and Kimber-clone-esque Homegrown gear has worked wonderfully with the Thiels. However, going all-silver with the interconnects might not work as well for you if you're trying to reign in an already unruly higher frequency range. There's been some talk about the KAV-Thiel combo recently, so poking around in some of the past posts might prove a little more useful that I can be. Either way, enjoy and good luck.
MIT for sure! MIT,Krell and Thiel will give you everything you are looking for. I own these brands a few steps up the ladder. (FPB 300, CS6, V3 & 350 series cables)