Best cables for Thiel 2.3

I'm using Thiels 2.3 with Krell KAV 300i, and Rega CD player. Would like to get rid of the bright or harsh sound which comes through with some ( a lot) of my CD's. Now using Monster M 2.2 speaker cable with Audio Quest interconnects. Any ideas?
Harmonic Tech Truth links for the IC's and Cardas Cross for the speaker cables. Cardas cross or better all around if you can afford it but the HT Truth links are good for taming the high's at a reasonable price.
You may find it better to sell the Krell and get a Plinius integrated instead though. The krell (KAV line) sounds good at first with Thiel but grows to be too annoying real fast.
MIT would be my first choice, I'm using Kimber 8TC with 3.6's but with a Classe amp and CJ tubes in the pre, I think a little warmer than your setup. I'm also using MIT IC's. I'm waiting on some MIT speaker cable, my experience is MIT ic's and cables used together bring out the best in both. MIT has commented to me that Thiels are a good match with their wire.
Mezmo, Your system sounds great. What model preamp and Bryston are you using with your Thiel's?
I have the NBS Monitor 3 speaker cable on my FPB200 to Thiel CS3.6s and I find this to be the best speaker cables I had on them.On my ICs the Acoustic Zen Silver reference did it for the pre to amp connection.And Nordost quattro Fil from EMC1 to KRC3.FIM GOLD power cords. A lot of people said the the Krell and Thiel combo is really prone to harsness on the highs.The flipside of that is ones you get the Krell Thiel combo the right cabling and proper placement etc.,this combo can be the best system you ever heard.