SIlver Cable Experiences?

I will be purchaseing Silver Cable from and would like to know what peoples experiences are using Silver for either Speaker Cables or Interconnects.

nearsota you got it....Need some 225w 8r load resistors and a cheap 100wpc receiver, put it on a rock station, measure 4v av. out at the resistors and go away for a month.....Put a fan on the receiver as it will get hot......I do something else as well, but can't give it all away.......
Send them to me and I will be happy to cook them for you Lawrence at no charge.
I'm using Audioquest Diamonds from Dac to Preamp, and they've sounded better than anything else I've tried including most of the HT line. I have solid state amp
Bryston B60. But I did use copper from preamp to amp, a pair of XLO Type 1. I've read a some reviewers at Soundstage that concurr that this mix of silver and copper sometimes works (silver from the source component and copper from preamp to amp). I've never found silver to sound too bright or hard, but it does seem that there are differences in silver interconnects. AQ Diamond X3 can be had used for pretty cheap these days so it's certainly worth a try.
Very limited experience here;nevertheless, I will share.
I used AQ Argents, half copper half silver, with Alphacore AG interconnects when using solid state amp, Aragon 8002. But I prefer AQ Midnights with Monster Ref. 2 copper cables with Audio Research integrated amp.
I have used silver cables from Nordost, Silver Audio, Harmonic Tech, Pure Note, Siltech, and more. In most cases silver cables are fast, precise, and smooth. Some brands are better than others like Siltech and Pure Note. No matter the claims, it is the overall cable design that matters not the wire alone IMO.