Coincident Cables Experiences? Any Good?

I have not personally had the opportunity to audition these Coincident Cables (speaker & interconnects) as of yet, however, have read some personal experiences of others who really like them. I am interested in trying these cables, but would like to know if others have taken the plunge and what their experiences are both with the speaker cables & interconnects? Also has anyone tried the new Reference Speaker Cable? They cables seem to be moderately priced. Thanks.
Ejlif- As with all things audio, it comes down to personal preferences. I too heard the Quattro fil better the Coincident in a couple of areas, specific imaging and soundstage quietness. It also had good layering of images, but not much in terms of palpability of the individual images. The Coincident had better dynamic contrast, and a more palpable and larger sized soundstage. However, the more I listened to the Qf, the more my thoughts wandered away from the music. With all of it's strengths, the Qf just couldn't connect with the music for me emotionally. In terms of music, I'll take the Coincident over the Qf in my system. Just MHO.
I agree Jctubes. Please don't take any of the following Eljif as trying to diminish your experiences, as I am sure you heard what you report you heard. I find the sound of all the Nordost interconnects I have tried (including the SPM and QF) to have a whitened sterility in my system. Jctubes makes an important point that audiophiles evaluate gear differently, it is not just a system matter. My main criteria are that I will not allow anything into my system that has a significant coloration or that is dynamically constrained - regardless of any other attributes it might have - because I know it will become a liability in time. Following that I look for limitations in terms of resolution, extension, mid-range textures, air etc. But the final arbiter, once I have identified that a product does not have serious flaws, is to stop listening critically and just try grooving to the music. This is the acid test. I will never make a decision between components on the basis of one having slightly more depth than another, or some weighing up of other incidental features of the sound. The final decision comes down to whether the music is more enjoyable or not.
Did a shoot-out A/B comparison between the Coincident IC cable and an NBS costing 10 times more. The NBS was more up-front, the Coincident more laid-back. The NBS had warmer colorations and mid-range textures (esp. voice and certain orchestral instruments), the Coincident was more dead accurate and mercilessly unforgiving. Both had about the same frequency extension and sound staging. The Coincident had slightly better "dynamic contrast" (as Jcbtubes said), but seemed to put you at a slightly greater distance from the music. It did however connect to the human, unpredictable, incidental elements of the music very well. I currently use it as my phono cable in an otherwise all-NBS cabled system. The Coincident handles the low voltage signal of my Transfiguration Temper Supreme MC cartridge very well. I have been waiting for Coincident to come out with a better, more expensive IC, but it now looks as if the new cable will never be released.
I thought Israel Blume was going to have both new upgraded IC and speaker cables at CES??? What's the scoop on new IC??? Please explain. Thanks from happy owner of Coincident speaker cable.
Coincident attempted to design an improved version of the IC Interconnect, and ran into technical problems (exactly what, I do not know). The upgraded or new IC cable (it was supposed to sell at a higher price than the original IC) will probably not be released. This is a shame. A cable that improved on the first IC --and still was half-reasonably priced--would be very, very welcome.